With Richard Chefetz, MD

A Two-Day Fall Conference

Friday, October 28 + Saturday, October 29, 2016

For more information: http://www.mntraumaproject.com/richard-chefetz-workshop

  • Recognize the difference between the origins of guilt and shame, their personal and interpesonal correlates, and how to work with both in therapy

  • Identify clients in your practice who are carrying hidden shame and plan interventions to work with them

  • Understand and be ble to apply the four basic patterns of infant attachment:  Secure, anxious-ambivalent, avoidant, and disorganized/disoriented to adult clients and apply this understanding to clinical work

  • Recognize and name basic expectable patterns of transference in persons with a history of chronic child maltreatment

  • Learn how to utilize countertransference reactions typical of trauma treatments as a guide to understanding what is happening in our clients

  • Understand how the dissociative process impacts on the subjective experience of trauma

  • Learn how to ask appropriate questions to discern depersonalization, derealization, amnesia, identity confusion, and identity alteration toward making a diagnosis of a dissociative disorder